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Guangzhou Livi Import & Export Co., Ltd. was established in 2005, mainly involving with the exportation of building materials, sanitary products and household articles to the African, Middle East and Latin American countries. Our brand name "VIRONY" and "LIVI" have been registered in more than 40 countries worldwide and regarded as the symbol of "quality products". We have excellent talents, high quality products and excellent services in line with the moderate management system and procedures. The company has successfully completed credibility on ISO9001, ISO14000 and SA8000. We are ready to work closely with customers, suppliers, service providers and other stakeholders to realize the win-win strategy for a better future. VIRONY FOR YOU, FOR LIFE, FOREVER! WE ARE EXCELLENT!


地址:广东省广州市海珠区下渡路66-68号祥兴商务中心102室 网址: https://virony.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.details.cordpanyb.4.18f45ac88s8K0L 技术支持:链卫陶
主办单位:唐山成联电子商务有限公司 咨询热线:19912348019 电子邮件:2063271782@qq.com ICP备案号:冀ICP备11009155号